Rain, gray sky and cold – Polish autumn already came. To make it easier to survive – for you and for us also – we are starting to remain some of the best and sunniest sounds of our journey. For those, who didn’t have a chance to listen to our auditions emitted in Radiofonia, it'll be the opportunity to check it now. From now on in every few days we will present you a new dose of sounds – talks, cars, sea waves, summer breeze and more :) (in some parts of the audition the main language we use is Polish, in the other English – it depends, so just check it out).
And now – sounds from our first 3 days of traveling: motorway, Prague and Czech KNEDLIKs...
Listen to it here:
Aga, kocham Cię. "W życiu nie pomyślałabym, że będą mi smakowały ziemniaki" brzmi, jakby były one jakimś owocem morza z wybrzeży zatoki meksykańskiej, którego nigdy wcześniej nie miałaś okazji spróbować, a nie naszym rodzimym produktem 60gr/kg :D
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